Thursday, September 08, 2005

Someday I'll....

My dream of an ideal week:

Each day spend a minimum of 1 hour alone w/ each child
5 days a week cook a meal (full dinner w/ veggies, protein & carbs) (cook time is approx 1 hour each day)
Spend no more than 2 hours planning said meals
No more than 2 shopping trips (4 hours max) finding groceries for said meals
Have someone over for dinner once a week minimum (approx. 3 hours not including cleaning the house)
Maintain order in the house (1 hour daily)
Clean said house (2 hours weekly)
Scrapbook every other week for 2 hours (uninterrupted!)
Email & blog daily, minimum of 15 minutes, maximum 1 hour
Go shopping just for fun or spend time with friends, 1 hour daily as a guideline, max is 4 hours per week (Sometimes one big outing will fill that need for fresh air & fellowship & leave me gasping for some solitary time!)
Alone time w/ husband 1 hour daily minimum
SUBTOTAL: 30 hours

Other chores that could possibly be done better or quicker with greater organization:
Laundry = 5 hours per week max
Changing Diapers = 5 hours per week max (this wouldn't be so much but Nina's spitting up requires several clothes changes for her and often for me too!)
Other "maintain order" duties such as dishes, sweeping, wiping, mopping, etc = 1 hour per day, max!
SUBTOTAL: 15 hours

Total: 45 hours in one week.

Then there's the sometimes list:
a date night once a month (2-3 hours without kids)
seeing my family or in-laws (some weekly, some monthly)
time to paint the guest room, bathroom & master
gardening, cooking for fun (cookies!), taking more pictures of things other than my kids,
reading a magazine uninterupted, sewing.

And lastly, there's the someday list:
Learn to quilt, take a tap class, keep a separate scrapbook for each child, teach my daughter to cook, teach my son to do laundry...

I'd better write these down so I don't forget. In ten years I will have different priorities and a different kind of schedule with different responsibilities. It will be interesting to see how my someday wish list changes or has things crossed off!
