Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Meredith Grey, poor girl

Oh my..... I feel the urge to write but the topic has not yet formed itself in my head. I usually ramble about various events on my xanga page since most events involve my family and that's what that page is for. I know it's a little backwards that this page's address is "robbsfam" and that one is "nickieroo" yet here is where I am more personal and there it is all about the family. Hmmm.... One reason I feel I must write is because David is watching "The Village" downstairs (with Jerry) & there's no way I'm watching that. Can't even be in the same room. Ugh... Sorry for the extreme dullness today. There's a lot on my mind, a lot going on but somehow I don't feel the freedom to put all that together & in public. Oh well.
On to my favorite subject - Grey's Anatomy! I love the writer's blog -

Meredith has issues and they just become more and more apparent each passing week. So far I've discovered her father (a writer) cared for her as an infant while her mother was completing her internship at a Seattle hospital. Her parents divorced when she was maybe 5 and she was raised by her mother, a world famous surgeon. Her mother discouraged her from going to med school, saying she would never make it. Her father was out of the picture but remarried and had two more daughters.
What kind of life is that for a 5 year old? Mother was most likely not there when she came home from school every afternoon - so was Meredith a latchkey kid, daycare, after school nanny? No wonder she has trouble with men, she barely had parents! And the half-sister we met last week said she was 22 but had an older sister in med school. Meredith must be about 28 or older to have two sisters more than 5 years younger but one already in grad school. How long is med school? Did Meredith take longer doing her undergrad work before her mom got sick? Or is she really more like 30, 32? And as for the McDreamy-Meredith-George parallel to Chief-Ellis-Thatcher it's almost creepy. I just hope Meredith sees the hope in the situation, that she doesn't have to turn out like her mother (even if she does have the genetic predisposition for early Alzheimer's.) The vow of celibacy is probably her best bet if she can stick to it.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Originally uploaded by douea.
Engaged! Yay, finally Ted & Jalene are engaged! Congratulations on moving to the next level. ;)
