Getting to Know Me:
1.)What color are your kitchen plates? The every day plates are white, my nice plates are white with navy trim
2.) What book are you reading now? Book? Who has time to actually turn pages when the internet is so much faster??
3.)What is on your mouse pad?I don't have one
4.)Favorite board game? I haven't played in forever, but it was Settlers of Catan.. ahhh, good times...
5.)Least favorite smells? A certain "vent" in Slovakia that aired out the local sewer.
6.)What is the first thing you think of in the morning? Can't they go back to bed? Is it 7 yet?
7.)Favorite Color? Blue. Most blues, but a blue and green combination is awesome.
8.)Least favorite color? Black.
9.)How many rings until you answer the phone? I wait for caller ID then decide if the kids are too loud to even hear the other person & should I bother to answer if I can't actually talk??
10.)Future child's name? Since I will probably not get to use them: Chaughnessy, Vanessa, Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane, Amy... I'm not giving away my combinations though...
11.)Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate - is there anything else?
12.)Do you like to drive fast? Before kids - yes. After kids, I just prefer to stay away from all the slow old people.
13.)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Just my big DavidBear!
14.)Do you like thunderstorms? Neither here nor there... As long as the kids aren't bothered by it.
15.)What color are your eyes? Green/Grey, they change. My daughter's change from blue to grey too...
16.)Sign? Aries, not like it's important...
17.)Do you eat the stems of broccoli? What? Yeah...
18.)If you could have any job, what would it be? Getting paid to do something I love & still have time for my family. So far that doesn't have a title! :)
19.)If you could have any color hair, what would it be? A little red-er than what I have. The grey's are taking over though...
20.)Is the glass half full or half empty? You never know these days....
21.)What is your favorite movie? Currently: Little Miss Sunshine or The Devil Wears Prada
22.) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Always! Mr. Whitehead would be proud.
23.)What's under your bed? Christmas paper, dust bunnies, random feathers, kids' toys
24.)What is your favorite number? 27
25.)Favorite sports to watch? Football, everything else is not entertaining.
26.)Your single biggest intense pain? My miscarriage, then when Jamie died last month...
27.)Person most likely to respond? I doubt it.
28.)Person least likely " "? No one is going to do this, only 2 people even read this.
29.)Ketchup or Mustard? Depends what it's for, but Dijon
30.)Hamburgers or hotdog? Hamburgers... Ooh, you're going to make me send David out on a craving run!
32.)The best place you have ever been? Miami Beach...
33.)Favorite fast food? McDonald's, then Applebees, if that counts.
34.)What kind of car do you drive? Trailblazer - my favorite so far
35.)Married or Single? Married, almost 5 years now