Friday, October 28, 2005

More Sleep!

It's been a while since I've posted anything here. For good reason! We honestly tried NCSS for a good long time. While naps steadily improved, the nights never really changed and then one day the grace and patience was gone. David has been a huge help lately, taking over the "listening" times so I could catch just a few more winks. My mom & sister came over for a few days and I really got caught up by the end of their visit. I don't feel rested when I get up, but I'm so much more normal now! Here's what several nights looked like while they were here:
7:00 begin bedtime routine (bath, massage, jammies, nurse)
8:00 fell asleep nursing, placed in crib
9:00 woke up crying, was comforted then cried for an hour (don't worry, she was checked on often!)
10:00 fell asleep without nursing, without pacifier!
4:00 am woke up to nurse & fall asleep immediately
8:00 woke up for the day, happy & content!

Something changed when my mom left and the last few nights have been a little more interesting:
7:00 begin bedtime routine
8:00 placed in crib awake (she just stopped falling asleep while nursing)
9:00 fell asleep without pacifier or nursing
3:00 am woke up to nurse
6:00 woke up to nurse
8:00 woke up for the day (happy, content, quiet!)

I have to say that although the crying is difficult, it has been worth it. Her attitude in general is improving. My mom encouraged me to leave the kids with her several times (I nearly went into shock without them) and Nina tolerated her just fine.
To Do: get Nina used to other caregivers (especially relatives & favorite babysitters), wean Nina from Mama's hip, help Nina find things to soothe herself (pacifiers, lovies, thumb or fingers).

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Wow, she's getting some good solid sleep in there-and so are you! I hope she/you can keep this up, it's really hard to let them cry. bless you!
