Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday Night, Sunday Naps

Ok, I messed up her bed time because we went out w/ friends last night. I was hoping to start her bedtime routine while watching a movie w/ my friend but she would not do it. On the plus side: she fell asleep in the car on the way home from the restaurant. Asleep in the car & in the dark! Hasn't happened in months! So we got a late start on bedtime....

Night Waking Log
Fell asleep nursing at 11 pm
1:00-1:20, woke up crying, fell asleep nursing (probably would've gone back to sleep w/ a binky)
3:30-4:00, woke up crying, fell asleep nursing after attempting the binky
7:45 am, up for the day

Nap Log
11am - 12:00 pm, fell asleep on my lap w/ binky, slept in church crib (had to wake her up to nurse before leaving church)
2:30-3:40, fell asleep nursing (she didn't nurse well earlier), slept in crib

Overall, I am pleased w/ her naps. They are better in length and consistency. I'll keep my formal NCSS log tonight & tomorrow, our 7th day on this plan.

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